Currents is developing and ‘doing’ a custom development program with a group of leaders and/or professionals. It is often linked to strategic change/development objectives, to a movement from expertise to personal mastery or to specific career steps. Group composition can be across disciplines, domains, generations, locations and countries. Preferably we co-create with participants and other stakeholders, working in the context.
Participants are leaders and professionals who work in the focal point of strategic goals of the organization and as a group have shared questions or needs concerning their ways of working. They are highly equipped and want to strengthen themselves. They could have new accountabilities and business challenges, they have made a career step and now work at a different level, they are seen as key people in steps towards the future of the organization, they work in a rapidly changing context.
Scope and timeframe
These depend upon the nature of the questions and issues at hand.
The flow of a custom development program will be along these lines:

We design programs based on these principles:
Learning is an individual, self-guided process: people take motivated action in a development process, if they have the notion (cognitive and emotionally) that they want to have more abilities, to act or to experience differently from what they currently do.
Learning is a social process: in a group and context people learn from and with each other by sharing contributing, realising personal openness and depth in the content .
Working from business objectives: the program begins with gaining a good understanding of the business objectives and needs. It ends with an analysis of the progress that the program has brought to these.
Results make talent visible: we work with principles of action learning. Work with others on actual issues that give a chance to learn and to operate and perform at a higher level. The results of this active process confirm talents and further development areas to self and to others.
Co-operation from the start: participants, principals and HR staff are involved from the start as partners in the program. In our vision a development program is a joint process and not something that an organization or participant ‘consumes’.
The nature of development issues and underlying patterns can vary widely. Concrete experience shows that clients with help of these custom development programs accomplish results such as:
- A systematic, accelerated strengthening of the idiosyncrasy and capabilities that are decisive for success in a job, role or career phase;
- Creating a movement – focus, energy, openness and focus with a group of participants (and possibly leaders of the organization)
- Making talents of participants visible by action.
Start date